Mark de Jong just published his first paper of his PhD in Physical Review B (congrats Mark!), it is the finishing touch of his Master thesis work and start of his PhD and nicely shows as the main result: “We postulate that Ga ion irradiation is an effective way to locally reduce the energy barrier for skyrmion nucleation, […]
Author: Reinoud
Pingzhi’s Paper as Editors pick!
Hear Hear, Pingzhi Li ‘s first paper of his PhD project is out and it directly makes it to an editor’s pick. I am a very proud 2nd promotor, this paper was regarded as ‘a project on the side’ by the candidate, however by using the Dutch proverb ‘wie het kleine niet eert, is het […]
PhD student Mark de Jong has just uploaded his most recent results on tuning the magnetic interaction by Ga+ irradiated Ir/Co/Pt multilayers. In this work we show that we tune the relevant magnetic properties locally. This will give rise to energy efficient Skyrmion nucleation due to a lowered energy barriers whilst maintaining their stability and […]
I was voted the best master teacher of the whole Eindhoven University of Technology. This unexpected prize was annoucned on the 16th of October 2021 during the momenTUm celebration (graduation ceremony of the TU/e). I am thrilled to have received the prize and recognition for my efforts in education. Enough has been written about it […]
I was awarded an OWL by STOOR (Student Study Association of the Applied Physics departement at the TU/e) as best teacher for the master courses NanoMagnetism and NanoSpintronics during the 2020-2021 Pandemic heavy academic year. I am very honored as these are the best best best awards to win; fully organised and chosen by the […]
New Academic Year
A new academic year; new challenges, new people, new directions, new resolutions. Anyway, a fresh start after a relatively quiet period. PhD Lorenzo & Ass. Prof. Diana started today in the group and this brings new dynamics to the workplace. Really looking forward to work with them over the coming few year. Lorenzo for his […]
Dear All, if you are looking for PhD project, and you enjoy to dig deep into spin wave physics (magnons) and their interaction with spin currents, look no further: This is your ideal PhD project embedded in the group physics of nanostructures at the TUe. To apply and/or read more, go here.
Great news, just got a grant proposal approved together with Rembert Duine where we are going to try to build an on-chip black hole analogue using spin-waves (magnons). Apart from being really cool it might allow to build an on-chip magnon-laser / magnon-amplifier, so also for the field of magnonics it might have big impact. […]
Its exam time, strange to see all the student live during the exam where during term you only saw them via a computer screen and then even not all of them. Is this the new normal for education?