General Lab update Research Teaching Uncategorized

Best Master Teacher TU/e 2021 –> that’s me ;)

I was voted the best master teacher of the whole Eindhoven University of Technology. This unexpected prize was annoucned on the 16th of October 2021 during the momenTUm celebration (graduation ceremony of the TU/e). I am thrilled to have received the prize and recognition for my efforts in education. Enough has been written about it […]

General Teaching

OWL time!

I was awarded an OWL by STOOR (Student Study Association of the Applied Physics departement at the TU/e) as best teacher for the master courses NanoMagnetism and NanoSpintronics during the 2020-2021 Pandemic heavy academic year. I am very honored as these are the best best best awards to win; fully organised and chosen by the […]

General Research Teaching

Mark de Jong and Ece Demirer win the IPI retreat poster prize!


New Academic Year

A new academic year; new challenges, new people, new directions, new resolutions. Anyway, a fresh start after a relatively quiet period. PhD Lorenzo & Ass. Prof. Diana started today in the group and this brings new dynamics to the workplace. Really looking forward to work with them over the coming few year. Lorenzo for his […]


Online ITN meetings, good?

Today is a day where we have a full program with online presentations of the Early Stage Researchers (ESR) in the ITN program MagnEFi. Always, impressed with what the students have learned and achieved in a short timeframe and gives a good stage to compare the differences and correspondences of the PhD programs in Europe. […]


Associate Professor it is.

It is now official, I am promoted to Associate Professor (UHD) from the 1st of October 2020, all the procedures were already finished and approved before the summer, however due to COVID-19 and all the bureaucratic procedures (welcome to academia) it was delayed. Anyway, it’s just a title, but it does feel good that my […]