The manuscript by Marielle Meijer abouth the observed spin spirals and its chirality has just appeared in ACS NanoLetters, a great collaboration with Marcos Guimaraes from Groningen who started with 2D materials in FNA during his VENI period. Nice to see that SEMPA can be used for many different materials systems. Specifically we for the […]
The second quartile has started and I have prepared a ton of pre-recorded online lectures carefully set up to provide the best learning experience. To allow just the minimal bit of interaction I also set up an on-campus Q&A session, but then…. only three students show up live (12 others via online). As I know […]
Online ITN meetings, good?
Today is a day where we have a full program with online presentations of the Early Stage Researchers (ESR) in the ITN program MagnEFi. Always, impressed with what the students have learned and achieved in a short timeframe and gives a good stage to compare the differences and correspondences of the PhD programs in Europe. […]
The time of year has arrived where the 3rd year Bachelor students get their portion of possibilities to join a research group in our department. I just prepared the pitch online. Too bad it had to be ‘virtually’ but I think I did my best to converge the exciting topics we are working on. I […]
ERC interview
Today I had the chance to defend my ERC proposal online. This included a 5 minute pitch of my project. I had a lot of fun preparing it and narrowing down the main research questions down to a 5 min accessible pitch. I hope the panel enjoyed what I prepared. Moreover, my respect to the […]
Associate Professor it is.
It is now official, I am promoted to Associate Professor (UHD) from the 1st of October 2020, all the procedures were already finished and approved before the summer, however due to COVID-19 and all the bureaucratic procedures (welcome to academia) it was delayed. Anyway, it’s just a title, but it does feel good that my […]
I just received news that I have been granted a project to set up a joint project within the Immuno-Engineering program of the ICMS (Institute for Complex Molecular Systems). Hence, my magnetic nanoplatelets and our ultrathin layers based functional surfaces will be exposed to a whole new set of interdisciplinary curious minds working together. I […]
Moving to online and blended learning
Today I started to record the ‘online’ lectures for the course NanoMagnetism that I taught offline for the last few year. I also decided to a major overhaul of the course by switching to another book. The all time favourite of mine “Magnetism in Condensed Matter” by Stephen Blundell. I will still use Mike Coey’s […]
Dear All, PhD students Marielle Meijer and Mark de Jong have recently been working on getting our in-situ MOKE setup running. In this way we can measure in-situ MOKE loops on ultrathin magnetic layers (2 atoms thick) without capping! Hence, we can now directly measure hysteresis loops without breaking vacuum, allowing us to probe individual […]